Accessibility of the police in the Rhein-Sieg district

Polizeiwache Meckenheim
Accessibility of the police in the Rhein-Sieg district
Here you will find information and addresses for the contact points in the Rhein-Sieg district (on the left bank of the Rhine, Bad Honnef and Königswinter) that are staffed throughout the year

In the event of a power outage, the police stations in Bonn and the Rhein-Sieg district will continue to be manned around the clock to deal with your concerns.

The Bonn police recommend that you find out now which police station is closest to your home. Please note that some police stations in the Bonn city area are organizationally responsible for the Rhein-Sieg district. This applies to Bad Honnef and Königswinter, for example. Here, the Ramersdorf station is the right place to go. Citizens from the east of Wachtberg can also reach the station in Bad Godesberg faster than the station in Meckenheim in some cases.

Important: Due to the storm damage and the ongoing renovation work, the Rheinbach station is currently not in operation!

The police in Siegburg are responsible for the municipalities on the right bank of the Rhine in the Rhein-Sieg district (except Bad Honnef and Königswinter)!

Contact points
Rhine-Sieg district
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110