Weapons law

Weapons law
Contact persons and forms
Here you will find all information on the subject of firearms law, for example forms and contact persons. There is also news and information, for example on control obligations and the required proof.

Most matters relating to firearms law can be dealt with by e-mail, in writing or by telephone. You can find our contact details below under "Your contacts".

Please make an appointment before visiting us in person.

Due to the current increased volume of calls, we particularly recommend using the e-mail address at ZA14.Bonn [at] polizei.nrw.de (ZA14[dot]Bonn[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de).

A lot of information can already be found in the "Notes and documents" section in the right-hand column of this homepage. Helpful information is attached to the application forms posted there. The - nationwide uniform - regulations of the Weapons Act can also be found on the website of the Online Police.

You can also easily request your NWR ID from us by e-mail using a form.

Please pay particular attention to the information letter on the National Weapons Register and the instructions for completing the application forms in accordance with the xWaffe standard. Further information on the NWR and the xWaffe standard can be found at National Weapons Register and at www.xwaffe.de

If you have any questions about your application, we will be happy to help you.

Please note: Filling out the application forms on a PC and sending them as a PDF by email is unfortunately not possible at the moment. The forms will be revised and posted here again soon so that they can be filled out. In the meantime, please print out the applications and complete them by hand. We ask for your understanding.

Status: 03.11.2022

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110