Crisis mode: Minister Herbert Reul praises the organizational strength of the police

Crisis mode: Minister Herbert Reul praises the organizational strength of the police
Corona has fundamentally changed police work. Interior Minister Herbert Reul observed this during the first few months of the pandemic in the country. He is impressed by the high level of professionalism with which the 56,000 employees have switched to a new mode and how the police are coping with their duties on the streets.
Streife editorial team

Mr. Minister, how have you prepared your officers in the state for the changed conditions in day-to-day police work?

You'll be amazed, I didn't need to. The police in North Rhine-Westphalia showed in a matter of seconds that they can organize, that they can handle a crisis. From one day to the next, a police management coordination group was set up in the ministry, where the information strands from all authorities converge. There are similar committees in the authorities. People who had never had anything to do with each other before are now working together perfectly. And it works brilliantly. Every day


You have certainly faced challenges like elsewhere, e.g. where do we get masks and sufficient disinfectant from?

Of course, the crisis is also a challenge for the police. But we were certainly better prepared than others. We have now even ordered face masks with a small NRW logo for officers in the field. And the great thing is that they are even produced in NRW.


But the police service has already changed, the focus has also shifted, hasn't it?

Of course. We now have an even greater presence on the streets. Talking about observing social distancing rules and avoiding group formation characterizes police work in public spaces. And I would like to take this opportunity to thank the police officers on patrol duty for doing their new job so well. In doing so, they make a significant contribution to the positive image of the police in NRW as a whole.


Are the police also benefiting from coronavirus?

We can't really talk about benefiting from this prolific pandemic. But: the crime rate for certain offenses is naturally down, in some cases by as much as a third.


Why is that?

People are at home. There are fewer burglaries there. And because they are not out on the street, there is also less pickpocketing. We are also seeing less clan crime - the shisha bars are closed.


Are you also seeing negative trends due to corona? 

There are new forms of cybercrime. Our Office for the Protection of the Constitution is also monitoring conspiracy theories, especially from the far right. That worries me. I have the impression that Pegida is now being repeated online. Corona is being misused to initiate crazy campaigns against government action and against refugee policy in particular.


What impact has corona had on Herbert Reul's life?

I no longer have any evening appointments. I'm normally out and about a lot in the evenings: lectures, panel discussions and so on. I miss that.


So your wife is happy that you come home earlier?

No. I'm not at home. I'm in endless meetings - at a distance, of course - and on conference calls. That's not my world. I'd rather be outside. With the people.

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