Caution: Fake police officers on the phone!

Caution: Fake police officers on the phone!
A scam is on the increase. Brazen fraudsters pretend to be police officers, BKA officers, public prosecutors or other officials on the phone. They display the telephone numbers of local police stations, the BKA or 110 with an area code on the telephone display.

The perpetrators use the names of real public officials to make their story appear even more credible. The fraudsters often call older people and manipulate their victims in phone calls lasting hours. They try to gain the victims' trust with convincing stories. Allegedly, a burglary in the apartment or house is imminent or the police have found black money in their accounts.

In all cases, the perpetrators urge the victims to hand over valuables and cash to a "colleague" for their own protection. In order not to jeopardize the investigation, the victim should not talk to anyone about the incident.

The perpetrators use skillful conversation to persuade the victims to take all their cash and sometimes even the contents of safe deposit boxes home and then hand them over to a supposed police officer.

The perpetrators often operate from "call centers" abroad. They use what is known as "call ID spoofing". This enables a freely selectable telephone number to be shown on the called party's display via internet telephony. The true origin of the call is not only disguised, but the impression is created that the call is actually from the police. However, when the real police call, the number 110 never appears on the telephone display.

Who are the perpetrators and where do they come from?

The calls for this phenomenon usually come from call centers in Turkey. The masterminds behind the gangs are also based there. The crimes are carried out by organized gangs that work in a division of labour with a fixed distribution of tasks.

Perpetrators are highly manipulative and put the victims under massive pressure

The perpetrators' approach is often very similar. In most cases, variations can only be identified by the legend told.

Some perpetrators claim that they were able to catch part of a gang of burglars who had taken the victim's details with them. Others claim that they are on the trail of a gang and urgently need the help of the person called to set a trap for the perpetrators. Still others state that there is a mole at the victim's bank who is emptying the customers' safe deposit boxes and accounts. In some cases, the different variants are also combined.

Further variations exist when it comes to handing over money. In some cases, the perpetrators come to the victim and collect the money and other valuables directly. Another option is for the victim to leave their valuables on the doorstep or near their home address and then return to their home. Occasionally, victims are also sent to a meeting point where they are asked to hand over their valuables to one of the perpetrators.

The fact that perpetrators ask for access to the victim's online banking accounts should be seen as an isolated case. This is sometimes due to the age structure of the potential victims.

However, what all these variants have in common is that the perpetrators are highly manipulative and put the victims under massive pressure with the scenarios mentioned.

Development of the number of cases in 2019 and prey totals

The number of cases involving "false public officials" has risen steadily since 2017 and remained at a very high level in 2019, with 91 cases completed in each of the first two quarters. In individual cases, the amounts involved vary greatly. In some cases, these are in the four-digit range, but six-figure sums are also taken time and again. In 2019, the highest sums seized in individual cases were between 384,000 and 800,000 euros.

Since January 1, 2019, information on the modus operandi "false public officials" has been recorded separately in the police crime statistics (PKS) of North Rhine-Westphalia for the first time. However, the PKS is an annual statistic. It is therefore only possible to make a statement on the clearance rate after the turn of the year.

High dark field

It is difficult to determine the actual number of attempts, as a very high number of unreported cases must be assumed. Many people simply end the call from the perpetrators and leave it at that without informing the police.

In the measurable range, the proportion of attempts was 98.7% in the first quarter of 2019 and 98.3% in the second quarter. This very high proportion of attempts is an indication that the extensive prevention and publicity measures are having an effect. It also shows that attentive citizens are warning their fellow citizens about the scams and thus preventing considerable financial damage for those affected.


Many of those called react correctly to the telephone terror, hang up and call the police on 110. Nevertheless, as in one case in Münster, the perpetrators repeatedly succeed in putting people under so much pressure that they follow their instructions.

If you receive such a call, the police recommend:

  • Listen to the name, hang up, call your local police authority on 110 and describe the facts.
  • Do not give unknown persons any information about your financial situation or other sensitive data.
  • Do not open the door to unknown persons.
  • Consult a trusted person.
  • Never hand over money or valuables to unknown persons, alleged employees of the police, public prosecutor's office, courts or financial institutions.
  • If you have been the victim of such a call, always contact the police and file a complaint.

You can find more information and a video here.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110