Welcome to the website of the police in Bonn.
Here you will find information about the work of the police in Bonn.
The Bonn police help in Alfter, Bad Honnef, Bonn, Bornheim, Königswinter, Meckenheim, Rheinbach, Swisttal and Wachtberg.
The telephone number of the Bonn police is 0228 15-0. In an emergency, always call 110.
The Bonn police headquarters is in Ramersdorf. There is also a police station at police headquarters.
The police stations in Ramersdorf, in the city center, in Bad Godesberg, in Duisdorf and in Rheinbach are always open.
Police stations are also open in Bornheim, Meckenheim and Königswinter-Oberpleis. However, they are not always open.
More information in plain language.