Starting school: practising the way to school with first graders now

Starting school: practising the way to school with first graders now
The start of school in Bonn and the Rhein-Sieg district marks the beginning of a new phase of life for many first-graders, including on the roads. Here's how to get your child to school safely.

In recent weeks, drivers and cyclists have had the roads to themselves, but that will change from August 12, 2020, when school starts and many schoolchildren will be on the road again. But even before the bell rings for the first day of school, there is a test ahead - the journey to school. Although first-graders are mainly accompanied by their parents in the early days, experience has shown that they have difficulty recognizing road hazards in good time and behaving correctly in various traffic situations.

In order to provide the children with advice and support at the start of their new phase of life, the police will be clearly visible, particularly around schools, and will ensure the safety of first-graders. At the same time, more speed measurements will be carried out around elementary school. The aim is to improve road users' awareness and thus reduce the number of accidents on the way to and from school. Last school year, 46 children were involved in accidents in the Bonn police's area of responsibility.

First Chief Superintendent Jan Waszilewitz, Deputy Head of the Traffic Directorate in Bonn, therefore advises: "Don't wait until the first day of school. Explore the safest way to school together with your little ones now. You should bear in mind that children cannot reliably estimate speeds and distances. There is also a risk that they will be noticed very late or not at all by other road users due to their small size. It is therefore important to practice the correct behavior in road traffic in advance. If you come by car, you should pay attention to no-stopping zones in the area of the schools and always let the children get out on the sidewalk. The following applies: adults who behave correctly in traffic make a decisive contribution to road safety."

What you can do to contribute to children's safety

  • Drive carefully and pay particular attention to children. In the first few weeks of the new school year, your attention is particularly required.
  • Observe the no-parking zones around schools when driving to or picking up your children. We will consistently punish misconduct.
  • Always let your child out on the sidewalk and watch out for cyclists.
  • Accompany your child on the way to school for the first few days, take them by the hand and talk to them about particularly critical places and situations.
  • Do not put yourself and your child under time pressure, as this stress increases the risk of accidents.
  • Remember that children perceive road traffic differently to adults; they cannot reliably estimate speeds and distances.
  • Be a role model! Adults who behave correctly in traffic make a decisive contribution to road safety.

Therefore, take your foot off the accelerator - especially near schools and kindergartens!

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