Senior citizen prevention

Attention! Phone scammers are calling
Senior citizen prevention
Senior citizens can get information and tips on how to protect themselves against crime here.

For years, older people have increasingly played a role as potential and actual victims of crime.
Some perpetrators or groups of perpetrators have specialized in targeting older people, e.g. through
(telephone) scams and trick thefts to deprive them of their assets.

Only through target group-oriented, crime prevention information and education measures can
the police can efficiently counter targeted crime against senior citizens.

The most important point here is to reach people at all - and then at an early stage and in a sustainable way.

This is why the Bonn Police Department's advice service for senior citizens provides "young and old", i.e. senior citizens and
their relatives (children, grandchildren,...) and other interested parties are happy to receive information and
tips on protection against crimes against older people.

The senior citizens' advice service of the PP Bonn offers, among other things:

- Group counseling for old and young on the topic of "Protection against crimes typical of senior citizens" - such as

  • Telephone fraud - grandchild scams, fake police officers, shock calls, etc.
  • Dangers at the front door: trick theft - fake tradesmen, fraudulent carpet sellers, glass and water trick, etc.
  • Dangers on the street: pickpocketing, behavior at cash machines, etc.

- Collaboration in project groups and working groups

- Cooperation (so far e.g. with Bonn's elderly care services, various banks, senior citizens' councils, forums, representatives, care or support services)

- Further training for employees of care services, bank employees, students at care colleges

- Advice stands at town/community/village events, campaign and senior citizens' days (e.g. Meckenheim Senior Citizens' Day, Königswinter Senior Citizens' Day, Rolllator Day,...) or on other target group-related occasions (e.g. Vitality Fair)

- Cooperation with the media (e.g. regular article publications, e.g. in the city of Bonn's magazine for senior citizens "Mitten im Leben - Mitten in Bonn", in church newspapers, participation in radio and television reports)

- Providing crime prevention information material (brochures, flyers, warning cards)

- Cooperation with schools (e.g. school project "Intergenerational learning - grandchildren protect their grandparents from telephone fraud" - cooperation partners are being sought here)

Information material on various topics is available at any time - also in larger quantities if necessary. All offers are free of charge.
Please contact the above-mentioned contact person (see contact on the right) for enquiries/appointments for lectures (currently also online) or event participation.


Citizen advice on the police mobile


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