We want you to live safely

Picture crime prevention
We want you to live safely
As we all know, prevention is always better than cure. Our prevention specialists offer you free expert advice on various situations in life.

Here you will find a compact summary of all the information from our specialist crime prevention and victim protection department.

Please note that for technical reasons only three articles are displayed on the first page. If there are several articles in a section, you can navigate to them using the blue and white dots at the top of each section.

News from the areas
Crime prevention & victim protection
Senior citizen fraud -
Topics for senior citizens
Burglary in
House and apartment
Dangers in the
Cybercrime beschreibt Straftaten, die sich gegen das Internet, Datennetze, informationstechnische Systeme oder deren Daten richten (Cybercrime im engeren Sinne) sowie Straftaten, bei denen Informationstechnik als Tatmittel verwendet werden (Cybercrime im weiteren Sinne). Wir von der Kriminalpräve...
Sexual violence &
Sexual abuse
Youth violence &
Our specialists
and programs
Information and support for victims of crime, traffic accidents or other harmful events.
Im Folgenden möchten wir Ihnen eine kleine Einführung in das breite Spektrum der städtebaulichen Kriminalprävention bieten. Diese ersetzt nicht die Beteiligung an Planverfahren oder eine individuelle Beratung mit unmittelbaren Projektbezug.
The NRW initiative "Kurve kriegen" has been successfully implemented by the Bonn police since 2016.
Politically motivated
The State Security Police deals with the prevention (including averting danger) and prosecution of politically motivated crime (PMK).
Fraud and
Protection of car &
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110